
Hi, I’m Kendall. And an extra big hello to new subscribers - welcome! This substack is on culture, creativity, and consciousness to empower and inspire. Thank you for being here!

In this space, I will share my observations, thoughts, and ideas with you. I love to research and figure out why we are the way we are, why we do the things we do, and what we can do about everything and nothing simultaneously.

Working in entertainment in Los Angeles for over 17 years led me to the most logical next step: going back to graduate school in clinical psychology. Yes, you heard that right! Having been a movie producer, SVP of digital, talent manager, narrative podcast producer, and currently a consultant for creatives, the truth is I love learning, sharing, researching, and writing. I also like to educate and help people.

While I dabbled in anthropology as an undergraduate and have two Master's degrees in gender studies (MA) and one in screenwriting (MFA), I never felt like I finished. I guess that is why I am currently and ever-so-happily pursuing my PhD in psychology. I do believe this will be my final and best degree yet. It took me some time to come around to my passion because sometimes you just have to do and experience (or live and learn) before you sit back and speak.

As I process and contextualize new ideas and reflect on many old ones, I will be transparent and authentic with you and hopefully write some things that make you think about things a little differently or make you feel, should I say it, inspired and empowered!

Please let me know your thoughts on my thoughts so I can share my thoughts on your thoughts on my thoughts with you—because human connection is the key to our beautiful but brief existence. As I figure things out here, I will be offering more and doing more, especially for my paying subscribers. I want everyone to have a wonderful experience here and feel like this is a nice breather from your day.

Please subscribe if you haven’t already. Say hello and tell me where you’re from in the comments on Substack. Oh, and let me know any topic suggestions you’d like me to cover.

xx Kendall

What free subscribers get:

  • Research and reflections on the latest studies and trends in psychology for personal growth

  • My ideas on culture as a soon-to-be therapist and former filmmaker, social media manager, and creative exec

  • My posts will be open for comments to free subscribers. I would love to hear from you.

  • Some thoughts on creativity and consciousness for you to ponder.

What paid subscribers get:

Upgrade to membership, with self-directed tools from psychology, free video sessions and teaching sessions with me on all the topics I write about, and deeper personal growth work, including:

  • Posts with personal growth themes and guides.

  • Discovery tools, graphs, worksheets, quizzes.

  • Social Media for Teens Mini Course to educate and empower you around a really important mental health issue, plus more!

  • A Shadow Work workshop that I will lead you through for all paid subscribers, recorded on video so you can watch anytime with amazing homework to do afterwards.

  • Personal reflections including my journey through film and entertainment in La La Land to graduate school.

  • Access to my archives of all posts.

  • Join in comments & community - I’ll be there!

  • My total appreciation! Your generosity in supporting my work means I can continue researching, writing, and sharing.

Subscribe to My Field Notes

I write about culture, creativity, and consciousness to empower and inspire. From a former filmmaker, talent wrangler, and soon-to-be psychologist. Thanks for being here! x Kendall Morgan, MA, MFA


I write about culture, creativity, and consciousness to empower and inspire. I am a former filmmaker, talent wrangler, and soon-to-be psychologist. Thanks for being here! x Kendall Morgan, MA, MFA